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Aims of the School


It is our goal to enhance the children’s knowledge of Japanese language and culture, to help them acquire knowledge of Japanese to improve their communication skills, to experience the joy of their language use, to foster a feeling of pride in inheriting Japanese culture, and to provide the kind of education that helps them grow into adults who are able to contribute both to the Japanese and New Zealand society.


Teachers Goals


  • 日本語の聞く・話す・読む・書くという四技能を、文化的な文脈の中で築き上げていくこと。

  • 積極的に自分の意見や考えを分かち合い、またお互いに違いを尊重し合えること。

  • 多彩な教育活動を経験し、自律的な学習につなげていくこと。

  • 自分の生まれた国、育っている国、家族が暮らす国のことを理解し、歴史や人々、文化についての知識を増やすこと。

  • 二つ以上の言語、文化を継承することが素晴らしいと思えること。他の言語、文化も同じように認められること。

  • 支え合い、助け合い、協力し合いながら成長すること。

Children will:

  • Build up the four foundational skills of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing Japanese in a cultural context.

  • Actively share their own opinions and ideas whilst respecting each other’s differences.

  • Experience diverse educational activities which will lead to autonomous learning.

  • Understand their country of origin, their country of birth, their country of residence and ultimately increase their knowledge of history, people, and culture.

  • Appreciate how wonderful it is to inherit more than one language and culture and acknowledge that other languages and cultures should also be appreciated.

  • Grow by supporting, helping and cooperating with one another.


Learning Materials


In the elementary school, mainly Japanese textbooks certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology are used. In the Kindergarten, various supplementary teaching materials are useful for learning and are used in combination with the needs and language abilities of the children.


Home Study


Learning objectives can be achieved by combining classroom learning with home study. In the supplementary classroom, classroom learning and home study are equally important, so in order to make best use of limited class time, we request that “home becomes the second classroom and parents the second class teacher” in order to support the learning process.


School Supplies


The basic items necessary for learning are listed in the “School Information Pack”. You will receive the “School Information Pack” after confirming with the school secretary your interest in joining the school.


School Secretary’s Contact Details

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