Acceptance, Cooperation, Growth together
Waitakere Japanese Supplementary School is a place for learning that not only develops basic language skills, but also promotes the growth of children through collaborative educational activities. Let’s grow together with our Waitakere friends.
Time and Location
2024年度現在、オークランド Glen Eden Intermediate Schoolの校舎を借用し、週に一度の授業を提供しています。ニュージーランドの公立小学校のカレンダーに基づき、4学期制(年間40週)を採用しています。
As of 2024, we are renting a classroom at Glen Eden Intermediate School and provide classes once a week. We have adopted a four term system (40 weeks per year) based on the public elementary school calendar in New Zealand.
Our Children
The Waitakere Japanese Supplementary School is attended by children who want to improve their Japanese ability and learn about Japanese culture in a fun way through immersion in Japanese. There are approximately 40 children enrolled from senior Kindergarten to 6th Grade.
An Educational Space for Everyone
Most of the children who study at the Waitakere Japanese Supplementary School live in a Japanese speaking environment at home. However, in their everyday social life at school, their language of choice is English. In households where children are brought up with two languages and two cultures, they can face many challenges. Therefore, it is vitally important for children to have a strong understanding and compassionate support from parents regarding their language learning and cultural environment. Finally, we would like to ensure that we demonstrate good management of the school. With this in mind, we kindly request parents active participation in the organisation of the school in order to maximise the opportunities for their children.